Silver Spinners – latest in the new bait range designed by Hazel Tipping for targeting specific species, this is for BASS and SKATE (but not limited to), here is the lowdown
– Extremely potent fishy oily scent
– Highly prominent silver stripe down each fillet and bright white flesh
– Fantatsic reflective scales
– Each fillet is between 5-7 inches in length and 5 in a pack
These have been in the background being tested out and proved amazing for catching BASS and SKATE. The potent smell attracts the fish in the cloudiest dirty water and the amazing reflective stripe down the fillet catches any light and grabs the fishes attention in any water, it almost emulates a distressed sand eel in the water.
What else you will need is a little bit of bait elastic plus one of the various rigs we suggest, which are, 2 Hook Flapper size 1 or 2 hooks, Pulley Pennel 2/0 3/0 hooks or a Loop rig with 1/0 or 2/0 hooks.
Nothing left to do than get yourself some and then let the tight lines begin…….
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